Sunday, June 16, 2013

Testing Week 2

The second week of testing was completed this past week. The schedule called for a rest day on Wednesday, but I had to move the Saturday workout to Wednesday due to being out of town for the weekend.  Active rest was performed on Saturday after 5 days in a row of testing.  Another good week, but looking forward to doing some training rather than testing next week. Excited about what's coming.

The week went as follows:

A.  FS - build to max single (345#)
B.  weighted pull up - max single (123#)
7 -- > 1
thruster @ 155/105
muscle up

A.  DL - take up to max w/ perfect form - record this if possible (425#, missed 465#, have done 485# in the past, just didn't have it this day).
50 CTb pull ups
100 wall balls
50 burpees

1K row TT (3:18)
-rest 10 minutes
2K row TT (7:18)

power clean - build up to max (275#)
8 minute am rap of power cleans @ 90% of 1 RM (16 reps at 246)
-rest 2 minutes-
8 minute amrap of 50 unbroken double unders (8 sets of 50 with 3 trip ups)

20 minute amrap
20 thruster @ 135/95#
20 pull ups
20 cal on aD
(4 rounds+1 thruster)

7 mile hike for active recovery

Light airdyne, mobility, handstand and toes to bar practice

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