Sunday, July 21, 2013

Week 5

This week's training was a giant clusterfuck.  Last Sunday, I utilized the bold strategy of going to the beach for a few hours without sunscreen.  What resulted was me looking like a chemical burn victim for quite some time, having to take a sick day on Monday, lots of cold shower, 2 bottles of aloe, a lot of dead skin, and missing two days of training.  I would like to say I learned my lesson, but I do this every two years or so.  I ended up training Wednesday through Saturday and rearranging the schedule a little.  It definitely resulted in some less than optimal training, but hopefully it didn't affect me too much and I will be good to go for next week's testing.  So here is how the week went:

AMRAP cold showers and aloe application

See Monday

Wednesday (this was Monday's scheduled work)
A. Snatch 10 reps between 90-95% (hit 10 reps in a row at 215 which is barely over 95%)
B. Front Squat 5x2 @23X0 Rest 2 mins b/t sets (did all sets at 315, missed the last rep on the last set)
Even: 2 Squat Clean Thrusters @ 185
Odd: 3 Muscle Ups
(Felt really good, nothing got difficult)
3 Minutes of Weighted Plank with 45# plate on back (did this in two sets of 1:30)

Thursday (Tuesday's scheduled work)
A. Deadlift 3,3,2,1,1 (405 for each set)
B. 3RM TnG Power Clean and Push Jerk (missed the last jerk at 220, these need work)
12 min Amrap
4 Hang Power Cleans 135#
8 Toes to Bar
(8 Rounds + 2 reps)

A. Clean 7x1 (275, 285, 285, 275, 255, 265, 275) felt all over the place. back was fried
B. Dumbbell Row 3x3 each arm Rest 1 min (100lb dumbbell for each set)
5 minutes of Squat Clean to OH w/ 165# (24)
4 minutes of KB Swings 70# (65)
3 minutes of Double Unders (165)
2 minutes of burpees (27)
1 minute max cals Airdyne (17)

2k run TT (7:51)

A. Back Squat 5 reps every 90 secs x 8 (265#)
B. Weighted Strict CTB Pullups 5x4 Rest 2 mins(25#)
C. Reverse Hyper 4x10 Rest 60 secs (90#)

Monday, July 15, 2013

Week 4

To avoid falling behind on my work for school and after a long weekend where I wasn't able to write, I am going to just throw up the schedule of training for the week past.  Everything was done. Honestly forget a few times and weights, so don't want to put up scattered results. My body was pretty shot by the end of the week. Need to work on better recovery and not be so against passive rest.  Working on getting more sleep this upcoming week and hopefully writing more. Until next week

7.8 - 7.14


A.  Snatch; 3 @ 90%, 3 @ 90-95% 
B.  Squat clean from blocks @ knee, 2.2.2, rest 2 minutes
20 OHS @ 135
20 muscle ups
10 OHS @ 175
10 muscle ups


A.  Rack pull,, rest 2 minutes
B.  Power Snatch @ 70% of 1 RM; 2 reps on the minute x 10 minutes
50 AD calories
50 power cleans @ 135/95
50 aD calories

3k run
-rest 5 minutes-
10 minutes AD test


A.  Snatch x 1 + snatch balance x 3 + OHS x 5 x 5 - build to max 
B.  Split Jerk cluster, 2.2.2 x 4, rest 20 sec., rest 2-3 minutes
C.  TGU - 20 reps - not for time @ 55/35#


A.  Squat clean + Jerk, build to 2 RM
B.  1 1/4 FS @ 55% of 1 RM; 6 x 3, rest 60 seconds
3 rounds of
50 unbroken wall balls, 20/14#
10 muscle ups

Saturday - In House Comp

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Music for the week

Going to try and put up three songs a week from here on out. Will do my best to avoid repeating bands from week to week, otherwise we would just have 3 Wonder Years videos a week.  Eventually I will start posting a couple things about the songs I put up, but for now here are a few videos:

                                          The Dangerous Summer- Catholic Girls

                                          Modern Baseball- Re-do

                                           I Can Make A Mess- Lions

Week 3


A. Snatch 3 x 80%, 3 x 85%, 3 x 90% (185, 195, 205)
B. Front Squat 4x2 @23X0 Rest 2 mins (305 across)
20 Thrusters 155#
20 Muscle Ups
10 Thrusters 135#
10 Muscle Ups

Snatches felt a little off today. Missed 1 reps at 205, managed to get angry and hit the next one. Still need a little bit of consistency in this area. Want to be hitting 225 regularly soon. Front squats were a bear with the three second pause at the bottom, but felt great after.  The conditioning was done an hour after finishing the strength and then coaching a class.  To be honest, 3 months ago I would have just skipped the conditioning based on how I felt at the time. I was dead, had no energy, had a test to study for, should have just gone home. But I am proud of myself that I managed to load up the bar and get after it. Didn't get after it quickly, but I got the work done and that's more than old me would have done. Taking something positive from every day.

A. Deadlift (365, 395, 425, 375, 405, 435)
B. TnG Power Clean and Push Jerk x 3 EMOM 8 (165#)
60 KB Swings 70#

Deadlifts were done double overhand with a hook grip again.  Paused at the bottom between each rep as well. Hoping the practice breaking the floor is going to pay off, can already feel my hamstrings getting more involved than they were before.  The power clean and jerks were a bear today.  I need to work on the transition from the over head position to the ground.  I have always paused at the rack position on the way down, but if you take a look at some of the elite, they skip the rack right on the way to the thigh. Need to work on this with some light weights and see if I can nail it down. This conditioning piece was never going to be easy for me, but still not thrilled with that time, as I wanted sub 10.  Heart rate never really got going, just a matter of muscular endurance through this movement and form on the kip. Getting better though.


Walked a bunch, slept a lot

A. Snatch Balance (195, 225, 235, 245, 245, 250f, 225)
B. OHS 10.10.10 @ 33X1 (155, 165, 175x5)
C. 100 CTB Pullups for time (8:07)

Today was good.  The snatch balances felt strong, but probably should be up in the 265-275 range. The OHS were pretty difficult, taking over a minute for each set at that tempo. The worst part of these was the pain in my elbows and hands, which is why I bailed at 5 reps on the last set. It just felt like something was going to get actually injured.  The CTB pullups were a bit annoying. Feel like this should be at least 2 minutes faster. Did small sets of 5, 3, 2 until 70 reps when my hand started to rip, and I decided to switch to singles. Definitely not the fastest way to do this. Butterfly felt ok until the hand started to rip. Still needs work.

A. Squat Clean 10 reps @ 90% not for time (270#)
4 Rounds of:
5 Squat Cleans 225#
2 Minute AirDyne Sprint
Rest 2 Minutes

(42, 35, 32, 39 calories)

Cleans felt good. No misses, but a couple reps felt a little off. Still working on bringing the bar higher on my thighs before accelerating.  The conditioning was not as bad as it looks on paper, which makes me think I should have gone faster on the AirDyne.  Think I should be looking at over 50 calories a round here.  The two minutes rest was enough for me to feel recovered each time, which was a pleasant surprise.  The cleans took me between 40-45 seconds each round, dropping each rep. Touch and go isn't quite there yet with this weight for squat cleans.

3k Run (13:43)
Rest 5 Minutes
10 Minute AirDyne Test (158 calories)

Well this was a learning experience.  First lesson learned: Don't do run tests at 11am in July. Second lesson: Don't compare track times to times done at the gym. Third: Make sure to always do these workouts with partners.  The run involved 800m uphill and 6 turnarounds, which probably slowed down our times by at least 90 seconds, and I am going to guess 2 minutes honestly.  There is no way my average pace on a track is going to be over 7 minutes/mile. My former soccer-playing self wouldn't allow that to happen.  The airdyne was exactly what I expected.  I am wondering if this should be up closer to 200, and next time will push harder.  Think this was scheduled for next Saturday, but the In-House competition replaced that, so a few of us are planning on doing this on Wednesday and doing 6 days in a row. Hopefully nobody dies.

Until next week...