Today was the first day of actual training (aka not testing). Managed to do the workout with Jeff and Kevin, which made the day much more fun. It is always better to train with people, and everyone seems to be making an effort to coordinate times for the future, so this will hopefully be an ongoing thing. The day was as follows:
5 mins of Airdyne
3 rounds not for time of:
3 Sotts Presses with empty barbell
10 Toes to Bar
10 Shoulder Taps against the wall
20 Double Unders
A. Snatch- 3 reps at 165, 3 reps at 175, 3 reps at 185
Did these as 3 drop and go at 165 and then singles alternating with Jeff for the last 6 reps. Felt fast under the bar, hip felt a little funny in the bottom getting out of the squat, but this subsided for part B, so nothing big.
B. Front Squat @ 23X1 3x3
2 seconds down, 3 second pause at the bottom, up as fast as you can, 1 second pause at the top. Did these with 275 for the first set, 289 second, and 301 for the last one. Felt great.
8 minute AMRAP of:
2 Front Squats @ 225# (Had to be taken from the floor)
4 Muscle Ups
(7 Rounds + 3 reps)
Wanted 8 rounds, so not too pleased, but the work felt good. Squat cleaned the first rep each time and wasn't close to failing any. Muscle ups were unbroken for the first 4 rounds, sets of 2 after that. Should have pushed another set or two of unbroken reps to make some time there. Spent a little too much time looking at the bar before picking it up before the squats. Need to work on that. Pleased with the day overall. Excited for tomorrow.
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